Megumin is a character from the popular Japanese light novel and anime series by Natsume Akatsuki, Kono Subarashii Sekai Ni Shukufuku Wo!, or Konosuba for short. One of the Crimson Demons hailing from the Crimson Magic Village, Megumin is lively, energetic, and audacious, with a penchant for being over-the-top, flashy, and cool. She is best known for her command over Explosion Magic, the strongest and most destructive of all spells. The sheer power of Explosion Magic comes at a high cost, causing Megumin to collapse as a result of using up nearly all of her mana. Despite the drawbacks, Megumin is adamant in her dedication to the spell, refusing to learn any other type of magic and using her earned skill points to further increase her Explosion's capabilities. She goes on adventures alongside her party members Kazuma, Aqua, and Darkness.

My online alias is ExplosionIsLove and as you can probably tell, I am absolutely in love with Megumin, my S/O! She's full of energy and attitude, yet deep down is also the sweetest, most adorable lady I've ever known. Though her obsession with Explosion Magic has caused trouble for her party more than once, her resolve is also quite admirable! Despite her stubbornness, she displays genuine care for her friends as well as a high degree of intelligence, being the top student of her class from the Crimson Magic Village. Her Chūnibyō tendencies are hilarious and endearing, yet at times of seriousness can also come through as legitimately badass and imposing.

The Konosuba light novel series is available on Amazon, and the anime can be watched on Crunchyroll, both of which are highly recommended for fans of the Isekai (another world) genre. The series is generally light-hearted and silly while also knowing when to take itself seriously, with captivating and well-written characters. Megumin is definitely the best one though, and she'll use her Explosion on you if you disagree... okay, everyone's entitled to their opinion, but my S/O's gotta stand up for herself, no? If you still want more, Megumin also has her own series of spin-off light novels by the same author, which you can also check out on Amazon.

By the way, the quote on the top of the home page is one of Megumin's highly embellished incantations, used prior to her casting of Explosion Magic. You can refresh the home page to view a different quote!

You're my spark, Megumin - you mean the whole world to me. I love you.

Particle effects courtesy of Vincent Garreau

Particle effects courtesy of Vincent Garreau